This week brings less a letter than a photo essay. Pictures or images are suitable this weekend, as we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord – the “showing forth” of the one true God, the Word become flesh, the invisible God become visible, the image of the invisible God.
For all of us in the rectory, it has become a favorite tradition to assemble the Parishioner Tree, where we hang the Christmas cards that arrive from throughout the parish. We started because it seemed such a shame merely to look once then put aside these marvelous images of the love that makes up the smallest units of the Church, the family, also known as the domestic Church. This way, we all enjoy seeing them for several weeks, every time we pass through the front office. The tree is right by the counter at the front door, so anyone who comes to request a Mass intention can enjoy it; last weekend, one substitute letter-carrier was quite delighted. It will stay up for a few more days, so stop by now to check it out for yourself.
The cards are a help to identify faces and names of newer parishioners, and sometimes just to figure out who goes with whom – oh, he is her dad! We learn about travel to exciting places, children who have moved on from the family home, and maybe even have kids of their own. We have cards from “distinguished alumni” of the parish who still send cards after they have moved away, even as far away as North Carolina and Pennsylvania. There’s nothing like a photo of a lanky teenager who was seven years old last you saw him, and the baby who was born after they moved away who is now eight years old, to mark the passage of time.
Let these photos help motivate you. The threefold Epiphany multiplies to many, many more smaller epiphanies in these manifestations of God’s presence in the Church. The images reveal the presence of divine love abiding in the flesh and blood of our families united by the Holy Eucharist. Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever!
Monsignor Smith