April showers are welcome for what they promise by way of future flowers, and those of us who rejoice in the fragrant fruit of the Paschal Mystery know well enough that we must first pass through the perfect storm, that is, all the work that makes Holy Week and Easter possible. You can’t have one without the other, as a song used to remind us about some other intertwined mystery.
The rectory staff hammered away with increasing enthusiasm as the Holy Days approached, providentially welcoming Carol Gangnath back after her hiatus. Susan Sumner, who graciously stepped in to help during her absence, was here through Wednesday of Holy Week and there could not have been a better time to have both of them overlapping together.
The transformation of our sanctuary was almost as dramatic as the resurrection itself, though made possible by many hands rather than the digitus Dei. Melissa Franklin, Sharon Haley, Liz Beegle, Julie Wilson, all the Daos, Margaret McDermott, and Jasmine Kuzner were our fern, frond, and flower wranglers for both gardens, round the altar of repose and in the main church. The latter smelled awfully good when I entered at six this morning.
Preoccupied as I am about liturgical excellence, I confess I was positively relaxed much of the time this year, knowing I could count on John Henderson’s careful touch at the musical helm, with all of our singers and choirs (especially the youth choir – are they awesome or what?) providing beauty in abundance. Likewise all our altar servers were prompt, attentive, enthusiastic, and skilled, with two veteran hands leading them: Daniel Dao and Isaac Daniel, both of whom know not only what to do, but how and why. Cathedrals look upon our crew with envy. Our lectors were superb. Let me also acknowledge that Father Novajosky happily took up some of the trickier roles and rendered them flawlessly.
Fearlessly going where brave souls feared to tread, rookie Toni Henries-Ross took responsibility for organizing and supervising the splendid hospitality on the lawn, aided discreetly by the veteran organizer and queen of the egg hunt, Jasmine Kuzner. It is a wonderful time to be together, and we need to offer folks a reason to slow down and enjoy it together with us.
It was great to confer the Sacraments of Initiation upon seven souls at our Vigil, Jorge Gaston León; Fitz, Kiernan, & Maura Bader; Kyle Curley; and Addison & Penelope Kerdock. Thoughtfully prepared with their families by DRE Jasmine Kuzner, the six young folks clearly delighted in the grace of the Communion. Jorge, whose road was a smidge longer, was no less delighted. Let’s not forget that the Vigil began with the excellent fire-work of a new crew of Scouts, led this year by the Barclays.
Let me point out that I am under no delusion that I labored alone. My fellow priests put their shoulder to the wheel of shriving, and spent hours in the confessional caring for penitents making first confessions, first-in-a-long-time confessions, and confessions of every sort in between.
Rejoicing now in the Octave and making time for tasks I had put aside during the preceding weeks, and maybe a bit of baseball, it is time to look to the Things of Spring – First Holy Communion, Munchkinball, Gala and Graduation. Before you know it, we will be processing through the neighborhood with the Blessed Sacrament. But before we get into all that, let’s be glad for the April showers, and rest a spell, joyfully, in the knowledge that, still today, Christ is risen.
Monsignor Smith