In the midst of what I happily call “May-hem,” the frenzy that comes each year at this time, I have been receiving a number of inquiries lately regarding the progress of our Capital Campaign. Many have been along the lines of, when does the work start?
So I chuckle. There is work already going on, really there is; but mainly that is the work of people fulfilling their pledges! And that is good work indeed. Let me share with you what we reviewed with the Finance Council this week:
Total Pledged to date: $1,040,242(in 225 pledges)
Total Contributed to date: $478,085.57(from 253 families contributing)
These donations are invested with the Knights of Columbus in a fund conceived for precisely this sort of campaign, to maintain safely every contribution but also to obtain some growth.
This, as you probably recognize, is a marvelous and most encouraging accomplishment. Our announced goal for the Campaign was $600,000 - $800,000, and we have already received donations over three-quarters of the minimum goal.
But as we discussed, the scope of the project would depend on the success of the Campaign. Because we received such a strong commitment in pledges, we are planning to accomplish more with it. And as we also detailed in the presentation of the Campaign, the work we intend to do, particularly the improvements to the church, obtains a certain efficiencyby being done all together.
For that reason, we do not intend to start piecemeal the projects as funds are received. This means it will be a while before you see being done any of the work we announced as our goal for this Campaign.
HOWEVER. Fear not! You need not wait without any consolation or encouragement. You will see work done on our church, and all of it will relate to the work of our Campaign. First, we recently received the diagnosis that the built-in gutters need to have the lining replaced. This lining, at its seams and its joints to the downspouts, is what we have been repairingfor the past several years to stop the leaks around the perimeter of the church building. It will be a large outlay, for which we are now seeking additional bids; but completely replacing this lining will secure the interior for the work we are about to do. Look for roofers sometime this summer!
ALSO, last year we received a sizeable bequest, and in order to maximize the impact of this most gracious gift, we will be doing work this summer on a project we could not have otherwise undertaken. It will have immediate and immense impact on the church inside and out. It will effect our decisions for the work we do with the Campaign, but first and foremost it will beautify our church in a stunning way that should encourage us all to keep up the necessary work of stewardship and giving. Watch for scaffolding in July!
So with that tantalizing information, I bid you all keep fulfilling your pledges to the Capital Campaign, or, if you haven’t pledged yet, there’s no time like the present! Meanwhile, be good to your mothers this weekend, not that you aren’t always; and enjoy the many joys of spring at full throttle, and more than a little May-hem.
Monsignor Smith